Well I finally was able to meet our new doctor on Tuesday. He was wonderful and treated me with respect. I felt like he is all in with helping us get to our end goal starting a family. He wants to tackle both problems (the endo and the septum) right away. He gave us two different game plans that we can choose from.
Option 1: Get lupron injections for 6 months to help get rid of the endometriosis. During that 6 month span he will have me come in for check ups to make sure the meds are working correctly. Also at some point I will have surgery to get rid of the septum in my uterus. So around March we will be able to start trying to start our family again. There is no down time after the septum surgery.
Option 2: While doing the septum surgery he lasers off any endometriosis and or cysts he sees during surgery. Then we start trying again. Not sure of the down time after this surgery.
I know there are some pretty crazy side effects for lupron. I asked my dr about the weight gain, hair loss, hot flashes, depression, and insomnia. I am sure I am missing A LOT of other side effects but those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. He said he prescribes lupron to many of his patients who are dealing with endometriosis and has never had any of those side effect reported besides hot flashes.
So we chose to do the lupron for 6 months. It sounded like the best shot at getting rid of the endometriosis. The nurse came in and explained to us that sometimes health insurances will not cover this treatment and that could cost a couple hundred dollars per shot. She will be calling me sometime next week to let me know if our insurance will cover these injections. I was given permission to have the injections sent to our house and I can have a nurse at the OB/GYN clinic on base give me my injections.
Well after over 24hrs to let things sink in I may have changed my mind about everything. I am really scared to get the injections. I don't want to change or feel crappy every day for 6 months. I started to research online for data on how successful lupron is and I really can't find the data. I keep getting links to chat forums. I read more about the pain they have a few days after injections. Headaches and heartburn. Women who have to be on anti depressants to help with the side effects. And then the very few and far between women who have had positive results with lupron. I am worried that after 6 months that my period wont come back. I also feel if I have surgery for my septum and get any endometriosis that has grown back laser off that we can start trying sooner. I just want to know which option is truly the better option for our situation. Tomorrow I will call the doctors office and ask to speak to the nurse and see if I can get some answers. If there is no real percentage difference between the two options I will opt with option number 2 and see when the soonest date I can schedule my surgery.
Option 1: Get lupron injections for 6 months to help get rid of the endometriosis. During that 6 month span he will have me come in for check ups to make sure the meds are working correctly. Also at some point I will have surgery to get rid of the septum in my uterus. So around March we will be able to start trying to start our family again. There is no down time after the septum surgery.
Option 2: While doing the septum surgery he lasers off any endometriosis and or cysts he sees during surgery. Then we start trying again. Not sure of the down time after this surgery.
I know there are some pretty crazy side effects for lupron. I asked my dr about the weight gain, hair loss, hot flashes, depression, and insomnia. I am sure I am missing A LOT of other side effects but those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. He said he prescribes lupron to many of his patients who are dealing with endometriosis and has never had any of those side effect reported besides hot flashes.
So we chose to do the lupron for 6 months. It sounded like the best shot at getting rid of the endometriosis. The nurse came in and explained to us that sometimes health insurances will not cover this treatment and that could cost a couple hundred dollars per shot. She will be calling me sometime next week to let me know if our insurance will cover these injections. I was given permission to have the injections sent to our house and I can have a nurse at the OB/GYN clinic on base give me my injections.
Well after over 24hrs to let things sink in I may have changed my mind about everything. I am really scared to get the injections. I don't want to change or feel crappy every day for 6 months. I started to research online for data on how successful lupron is and I really can't find the data. I keep getting links to chat forums. I read more about the pain they have a few days after injections. Headaches and heartburn. Women who have to be on anti depressants to help with the side effects. And then the very few and far between women who have had positive results with lupron. I am worried that after 6 months that my period wont come back. I also feel if I have surgery for my septum and get any endometriosis that has grown back laser off that we can start trying sooner. I just want to know which option is truly the better option for our situation. Tomorrow I will call the doctors office and ask to speak to the nurse and see if I can get some answers. If there is no real percentage difference between the two options I will opt with option number 2 and see when the soonest date I can schedule my surgery.