I don't really have any big updates that I need to blog about. Right now we are continuing the process for the foster to adopt program. We have taken 3 out of the 9 classes we need for the foster pride program. So currently every Tuesday evening we spend 3hrs learning how to be a foster parent. Mostly the classes are a crash course on child development and how to understand diversity. For me it has been a refresher from all my education classes I took in college.
As for my ivf process I have gotten my blood work done that they requested. With this blood they are going to be able to see if my right ovary is still functioning. My next step is another hsg test to see if I healed properly from my septum surgery last fall. I am trying to save us $350 by getting it done on base. So I am jumping through the hoops and being patient. I have an appointment next week with one of the providers in the OB clinic.
Preston and I are considering using a website called Go Fund Me. If you haven't heard of the site it is essentially an online fundraiser. In the 4 yrs we have been on this journey we often get asked "How can we help"? When Preston first brought up the idea of using this page I immediately shot him down. My fear is that people will view this like we are asking for a handout. I always worry about what others think even though I know I shouldn't.
One of the things that is pushing me to go ahead with the site is that I will be able share our journey. When I first started blogging it was a good outlet for me to express my feelings. I have been slightly selective on who was able to read this blog. At first I announced on Facebook that I started a blog and if you wanted to read it you needed to private message me. Then I would again announce that there were updates. And as of recently I have been blogging and not announcing about updates for privacy reasons. If we were to share our story on that site I would attach a link to this blog. My new goal is to educate people how common infertility really is. I cannot tell you how many of my friends have messaged me and shared with me about their infertility struggles. I want to inspire others to share their stories and have a voice. I find it crazy that 90% of insurance companies don't offer any coverage for infertility. Or that 1 in 8 couples are suffering with infertility. No matter what the outcome of our story is I will never forget how empty and incompetent I feel each month.
So if we do end up going public with everything I encourage you to share the page. Even if somehow you stumbled upon the site or my blog please share it. No one should feel like they are the only ones dealing with this.
Okay enough of my ramblings.
As for my ivf process I have gotten my blood work done that they requested. With this blood they are going to be able to see if my right ovary is still functioning. My next step is another hsg test to see if I healed properly from my septum surgery last fall. I am trying to save us $350 by getting it done on base. So I am jumping through the hoops and being patient. I have an appointment next week with one of the providers in the OB clinic.
Preston and I are considering using a website called Go Fund Me. If you haven't heard of the site it is essentially an online fundraiser. In the 4 yrs we have been on this journey we often get asked "How can we help"? When Preston first brought up the idea of using this page I immediately shot him down. My fear is that people will view this like we are asking for a handout. I always worry about what others think even though I know I shouldn't.
One of the things that is pushing me to go ahead with the site is that I will be able share our journey. When I first started blogging it was a good outlet for me to express my feelings. I have been slightly selective on who was able to read this blog. At first I announced on Facebook that I started a blog and if you wanted to read it you needed to private message me. Then I would again announce that there were updates. And as of recently I have been blogging and not announcing about updates for privacy reasons. If we were to share our story on that site I would attach a link to this blog. My new goal is to educate people how common infertility really is. I cannot tell you how many of my friends have messaged me and shared with me about their infertility struggles. I want to inspire others to share their stories and have a voice. I find it crazy that 90% of insurance companies don't offer any coverage for infertility. Or that 1 in 8 couples are suffering with infertility. No matter what the outcome of our story is I will never forget how empty and incompetent I feel each month.
So if we do end up going public with everything I encourage you to share the page. Even if somehow you stumbled upon the site or my blog please share it. No one should feel like they are the only ones dealing with this.
Okay enough of my ramblings.
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