Friday, January 11, 2013

A little bit of history

After reviewing what I have posted so far I figured it probably would be a good idea to fill you all in with our history.

In one of my posts it sounds like we have only been really trying for 3 months. In all reality we have been dealing with this for well over a year. Some of our friends and family knew about what was going on. And honestly if anyone asked I would tell them what was going on. Okay back to our history.

At about one year of marriage we knew something was up. We weren't trying but we also werent preventing either. Once we moved to Lemoore we became more proactive in seeking a Dr who would help us. So last November (2011) we started seeing Dr. Ta. At 1st we started small tracking my ovulation and getting blood tests done to see what my levels were.

Next Preston had some tests ran on him. Everything came back fine with him. He has great blood flow and his count is high. So now my turn to get checked out. Little did I know how extensive it was going to be. The 1st test was a simple ultrasound. Again everything came back normal for me. Dr. Ta wanted to check to see of my Fallopian tubes were opened or of they were blocked. That test is called HSG test. For those of you who dont know what that test is I will give you a quick summary. They put a catheter in you and pump dye into your uterus and they use ultrasound to see if the dye flows into your tubes. My test came back normal and the dye flowed. However they noticed something funny looking in my uterus. After another Dr. visit it was decided that I need at CT scan to see what was going on. At this point Preston left for deployment. So I knew we wouldn't be getting pregnant any time soon but at least we could try to figure out what was going on. The scan showed that I have a heart shaped uterus. Which it isn't a bad or really a good thing. Basically if we were able to become pregnant at about 35 weeks the baby would be running out of room. But we will deal with that if and when that happens.

So after 5 months of deployment we go to see Dr. Ta again in August. At that point he prescribed us Clomid 50 mg for 3 months. That same week I found out I needed surgery on my left knee. So we had to put off ttc for awhile in order to have my surgery and make sure I wasn't taking any pain meds on top of the Clomid.

That in a nutshell is our history.


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