Friday, January 11, 2013

Our visit from yesterday

After trying for 3 months with using Clomid 50 mg and having no success we had a meeting with my OB.  For the last 3 months my progesterone levels were beautiful.  Every fertile woman's dream!  But even with those number we still did not become pregnant.

Our Dr. has basically given us two options to move forward with ttc.  We have option A: Basically do the same thing we have done for the last three months but bump the dosage of the Clomid and I also have to do self injections.  In doing this it will require a lot of visits to his office.  I would need a lot of ultrasounds to make sure everything looks good during my cycle.

Option B: IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).  This is more expensive than choice A.  It will cost roughly $200 a pop.  Which I have heard is very cheap compared to what other people have had to pay for it.  But keep in mind Preston is the only person working at the moment.  So to us spending $200 is a lot of money with all the bills we pay each month.

Here is the kicker with the choices.  We can only do this for 3 months.  After 3 months our Dr. will no longer provide these services for us any more.  Mainly because it costs the hospital around $10,000 per round.  So we have to choose which option we want.  We can't do 3 months of choice A and then try 3 months of choice B.

At first my initial thoughts were try one round of choice A and then if needed two rounds of choice B.  But after a few hrs of letting things sink in I feel like choice B needs to be given 3 chances.  Both of these options has a very small percentage of us actually getting pregnant.  In fact the normal healthy couple that is TTC has only a 20% chance of becoming pregnant.  So we are talking maybe a 10% chance with the IUI which aren't very good odds at all.

I had a very sleepless night thinking about all the options and what we should choose.  Then this question popped in my head.  What if we aren't supposed to be parents??  Do I really want to put myself through all these treatments?  And I know in my heart yes we are supposed to be parents and yes I need to put myself through this.  But what I struggle the most with is the disappointment each month.  That I have failed once again.  I do get sad and happy at the same time when friends and family members announce their pregnancy or the sex of the baby.  I want so badly to have those moments in life.


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