Monday, May 27, 2013


Well I had my follow up appointment to check on the cysts.  I think the appointment was sometime last week.  Not good news though.  I will be having surgery next Monday on the 3rd of June.

It won't be a major surgery unless there are some complications while he is doing the surgery.  I will be having a laparoscopic surgery.  So at the most I will have two or three tiny holes in my abdomen.  I know who will be near my belly button.  The type of cysts that I have are called Chocolate cysts.  Here is a link that explains what exactly a Chocolate cyst is:  (WARNING there is a graphic pic of what a chocolate cyst looks like)

I will be taking Monday and Tuesday off from work and hopefully I will return back to work on Wednesday with weight limitations.

So as if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment my tooth decided that Friday was a great day to go bad.  I was in horrible pain and I ended up going into urgent care on Friday night because I was taking only Tylenol for the pain because I was two weeks out from surgery.  And needless to say the Tylenol was doing nothing for me.  I was given the green light that I could take some pain meds and I was prescribed some antibiotics to help with the infection.  So most of this weekend I spent sleeping from the pain meds.

I am looking forward to my appointment with the dentist tomorrow and then my surgery on the 3rd of June.  I hope that after this surgery I can start getting good news from the doctors office.
