Sunday, January 27, 2013


As care free as I should be this month with no fertility drugs, ovulation testing, and planed sex I still find myself down and blue about things.  I read an article the other day on Yahoo News that Facebook causes depression.  I can attest to this.  I read posts and see pictures daily of how happy people are with their littles ones.  Some days I am immune to it and enjoy seeing everything and then there are days like today where it deep down inside of me makes me sad.

Another thing that really cuts deep are peoples comments to me.  I know they aren't trying to hurt my feelings or be rude but they sting.  Last year when we first started to do some testing and I would tell people about what was going on one of the 1st things they would tell me is well adoption is always an option.  That hurts!  We just started testing and you are telling me to throw in the towel already.  Yes, I know that there are children in this world that are just waiting to be adopted.  But I am not ready to process that thought.  Try being told you can't have your child any more and you should just go adopt another child.  Maybe I don't want to adopt.  The thought is pretty painful even now.

Being ignored either intentionally or not by my pregnant friends cuts deep too.  It's like well since you can't or don't have children I can't associate with you.  Whether it be because you'd rather be with other "moms" or because you don't want to make me uncomfortable it still hurts.  Whats uncomfortable is that you can't share things with me.  Yes deep down some days I am uber jealous of you. But at the end of the day I am excited for this new moment in  your life.

Complaining about how horrible it is to be pregnant.  I can't wait to not be pregnant any more it's so annoying!!  Really?!? I get it your are uncomfortable and you can't sleep well.  But I would give anything to be uncomfortable and have lack of sleep.

Okay I am done venting.  Please don't think I don't enjoy seeing your family grow or read about the funny things they do.  Just remember how lucky you are to have them!


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